Emily’s (P)review of Furyborn by Claire Legrand

Hi Guys,

Doing something new here on the blog! I’m going to post a little (p)review of a book that is soon to be released. Thanks so much to the publisher for sending over an early copy so I can review! We’ll be covering Furyborn on the podcast after it’s released, so read on for a little sneak peak of my reaction!

Holy hell, you guys, I am so, so excited for all of you to read Furyborn when it comes out on May 22nd!

Image credit: Sourcebooks Fire

The very first thing that caught my eye was the GORGEOUS cover. I mean, look at it! It’s so unique and clean and ughhh,I love it.

The second thing that caught my eye was the premise of two different girls connected through time. Gimmicky? Maybe! But it certainly grabbed my attention since I don’t often see that narrative device in YA fantasy.

Our two protagonists Rielle and Eliana are separated by millennia but are seemingly bound by a prophecy revolving around two queens, one dark and one light. We learn from the beginning of the book how Rielle’s story ends (seemingly in death and pain and tragedy–so very fun!) but Legrand does an amazing job throughout book working to tell Rielle’s story and upend what the versions of her presented to both the audience and in-world history during Eliana’s time. Legrand plays with this framing throughout the book and I found it quite effective.

Once I started tearing through the pages, I came to realize how much more this book is than just a neat non-linear storytelling trick. It’s an epic, sweeping and ambitious story, punctuated by messy, complicated women and don’t really care if you find them likable. (For the record, I found them both incredibly compelling, especially my bb Rielle, who I solemnly swear to protect and defend all of my days).

And I haven’t even started on the shipping. MY GOD, THE SHIPPING. I don’t even want to get into the specifics yet so everyone can read it unspoiled but I just need to say how much I adored the romance in Furyborn. The book features not one, but maybe even two bisexual protagonists, which: cool! And there’s a ship for every taste! Friends to lovers! Star-crossed tragedy! Even a super hot villain who is so incredibly my type that it feels like Legrand wrote him just for me!

I’m so excited for everyone to get to the read this book and we will definitely be covering it on an upcoming podcast. Pre-order now so you can read (and drink!) along with us!

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